Privacy Policy – Simplify App

1. Background

1.1  General

Opposite is the trading name for Duckant Pty Ltd as trustee for Duck Family Trust (ABN 34551762576)and is the creator of the Simplify App. We are committed to protecting your privacy, in accordance with applicable Australian privacy laws. This policy (‘Privacy Policy’) is designed to give you (the user of the app) a greater understanding of how we collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle personal information.We may amend thisPrivacy Policy from time to time. The current version will be available through the mobile app settings, and on our website version. You can also request a copy by contacting us directly at

1.2  What is personal information?

In general terms, legislation defines 'personal information' as information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

1.3  Our obligations

We comply with theAustralian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’). The APPs regulate the manner in which personal information is handled throughout its life cycle, from collection to use and disclosure, security, accessibility and disposal.The Privacy Act also includes a data breach notification regime, which requires us to address data breaches involving personal information held by us.We also comply with more specific privacy legislation in some circumstances, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth). 

2. Collection of information

We may collect information about you in a variety of ways. The information we may collect via the App depends on the content and materials you use, and includes: 

2.1 Personal Data

We collect and store personal information related to your App profile, which you voluntarily give us either upon sign-up or through continued use of the App:

2.2 Derivative Data and Uploaded Media

Information our servers automatically collect when you access the App, such as your native actions that are integral to the App, actions when taken creating your profile, editing entries and uploading a personal photo. As such, we may request access to your device’s photo roll or camera in order for us to upload your media to the App.Any media uploaded in this fashion, will be collected and stored on our servers. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may wish to do so in your device’s settings.

2.3 Survey Data

The App includes assessment functionality, and will invite users to complete surveys about their workplace and personality. Users will then receive a report with their results from the survey. This data will be stored in the app until or unless the user deletes their report or account.

3. How we collect data

Data is collected voluntarily when you, the user, enters personal information for your profile, and completes the surveys available.

4. How we use your personal information

We do not use the profile photo you provide when you use the App for any reason other than to provide you with a profile image. We may use other personal information for the following purposes:

To reference the organisations using the app

We may share with prospective users some organisations that have been using the App. In doing so only company names will be acknowledged, but no individual users will be identified.

Contact you for your feedback on the app

We may use your email to invite you to provide feedback on your experience using the App, which you can opt out of if you wish. This feedback would help us make improvements to the app.

Contact you to share news and updates

We may use your email to share news and important updates to the app, which you can opt out of if you wish by clicking on ‘unsubscribe’ in the email.

Aggregate survey findings will be used for research purposes

Your individual responses to survey data will remain confidential, and will not be shared with other users of the App. However, aggregate findings from the surveys will be shared with the broader industry for research purposes. For example, in the form of articles, conference events and publications. The aim is to assist workplaces to apply simplification strategies for improved mental health and productivity. If you do not wish this to occur, you can choose to not complete the surveys.

5. Use of cookies

When you access our web version of the app on the website, small files containing a unique identification (ID) number may be downloaded by your web browser and stored in the cache of your computer. The purpose of sending these files with a unique ID number is so that our website can recognize your computer when you next visit our website.

We also utilise cookies to help us protect your login and personal information from security breaches on the webpage. The cookies are called refreshToken and token. Our web app will ask you whether you accept the cookies or not. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer, please set your browser preferences to reject all cookies before accessing our website.

6. Third Party Providers

Third party providers include partners of Project Simplify, Charles Darwin University and BennyButton (located in Australia), and technology developers of the App (located in Colombia).

Partners of the Simplify Project may be involved in the aggregation and analysis of survey findings from the App but will not use the data for any other purpose. Survey data utilised for research purposes will be stored for up to five years before being deleted. Key findings may be shared publicly through articles, conferences and publications.

Technology developers will have access to the app data for further improvements, updates, or technology support, however they do not own the data nor will use the data in any way.

7. Retention of your data

Where you are a registered user of the Site, we retain your data for as long as you remain an active user of your account. Where there has not been any activity on your account for three years we will contact you to check you still wish to retain your account with us. Where you decide to cancel your account or we do not hear from you, your account will be deactivated and your data will be deleted.

Opposite administrator swill have access to the app database and are informed and educated on the privacy policy. Monitoring of staff access and use of the data will take place to ensure personal information remains confidential.

8. App notifications

Through the settings in the app, you can choose the frequency of notifications regarding daily activities from several options. In your phone notification settings, you canal so turn off all notifications from the App if you wish.  

9. User access to personal information

You have the right to request access to personal information we hold about you, and have the right to have your information corrected. As a user you will maintain access and the ability to edit your own personal profile through the app. You will also have access to your survey results via a report generated through the app functionality. You may delete your profile account and also survey reports at any time and can also re-do the surveys as many times as you wish.

If you have any requests or complaints at all you can contact us as follows:

Name: Dr Nicholas Duck

Role: Director ofOpposite

Address: Level 1, 195 Glenferrie Rd Malvern, VIC, 3144


10. Complaints process

We, as owners of the app, will receive complaints and handle them directly with users. Bound by the Australian Privacy Principle (APP) Code we must comply with their principles. If we are unable to successfully resolve the complaint it can then be taken to the Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). More information can be found here:
