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Project Simplify!

A study of workplace complexity within control room environments.

This project is undertaken as a partnership with the following organisations…

About Opposite

Opposite managed Project Simplify in collaboration with our partners to provide insights, strategies and tools that simplify the workplace.

We do this by applying our design, psychology and human factors expertise.

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Our approach

Throughout Project Simplify we engaged in a process of co-design and innovation with our partners using these four key principles.

Simplify processes to remove workplace complexity and factors that impact wellbeing

Simplify Icon


Co-design a program with industries that benefit operations as a by-product

Design Icon


Engage individuals with user-centred design approaches

Engage Icon


Use business tools and techniques that are counterintuitive

Innovate Icon


Key findings

Partnering with control rooms at Jemena and MTM, we firstly determined areas of workplace complexity, and then co-designed and implemented simplification strategies and tools for each workplace.

Data was collected at three time points and measured the following: workplace complexity, workplace enablers, mental health, job performance, creativity, and impact of Covid-19. In addition, physiological data was gathered with objective, real-time data using wearable technology; the Oura Ring. Participants also completed a usability evaluation of the simplify tools after training and implementation.

Go to the full Simplify report with the link below

Simplify Report

Areas of complexity within the control room were largely around uncertainty, complex services and the work environment


Complexity of the work environment had a significant impact on mental health at the end of the project, even after controlling for the impacts of Covid-19

Results showed two different trends overtime; while one control room increased in complexity over the course of the project (by 5%), the other deceased (by 7%)


The more complex the work environment the lower participant scores were on overall physical health and sleep quality that month (as shown by wearable technology)

As complexity increased, mental health and performance outcome variables decreased


A storm event on 29 October 2021 demonstrated sudden physical health depletion within two days, in response to this complex job demand

Those that used the simplify tools more tended to report less complexity (r=-0.7) and greater mental health (r=0.6)


Several workplace enablers significantly predicted workplace mental health, including leadership provision of autonomy, ideas, clarity, and connection

Project Simplify was funded by WorkSafe’s WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund between 2020 and 2022.